
UCLA senior setter Ann Boyer, Bruin junior...

UCLA senior setter Ann Boyer, Bruin junior middle blocker Daiva Tomkus and Stanford freshman outside hitter Kristin Klein, the former Marymount High School star, were among those named to the NCAA Division I All-American team selected by the American Volleyball Coaches Assn. and Russell Athletic. Elaine Youngs, UCLA freshman middle blocker, was a second-team selection.

Dorothy (Dodo) Cheney and partner Helen Roach of La Jolla won the doubles title in the women’s age 60 group in the 6th annual Southern California Tennis Assn./ Chrysler Senior Grand Prix tennis championships at San Diego.

Men’s singles winners included Mark Heffernan of Santa Monica, 40; Whitney Reed of Los Angeles, 55, and Robin Willner of Los Angeles, 60. Women who won singles titles included Alice Middleton of Santa Monica, 40; Betsy Roberti of Santa Monica, 55; Phyllis Adler of Los Angeles, 60, and Alice Beckenbach of Los Angeles, 70. Men’s doubles winners included Ed Kauder of Beverly Hills and King Lambert of Santa Ana, 60, and Ralph Bleak of Los Angeles and Merwin Miller of Claremont, 65. In women’s doubles, winners included Corky Murdock of Los Angeles and Eleanor Harbula of Sylmar, 64, and Lish Dudley and Pat Yeomans, both of Los Angeles, 70.


Three cross-country runners from Beverly Hills High School’s undefeated Bay League championship team were named to the all-league team: seniors Rich Gitahi and Craig Jepson and sophomore Jamie Billet.

Bruce Appeldorn shot a 30 for nine holes to win the Penmar Men’s Golf Club’s December tournament. Other flight winners and their gross scores were Jay Pittman, B, 34; Monte Herring, C, 37; Steve Dragovich, D, 40, and Lou Solursh, temporary handicaps, 38.
