
L.A. County’s Longest Bike Routes

This bikeway is a system of five loops. A recommended lane encircles the city, bearing left at all signs while riding clockwise will keep a rider on the perimeter of the city. In addition, there is a Class I bike path following the Burbank Western Flood Control Channel from Cohasset Street to Morgan Avenue. This trail begins near Glenoaks Boulevard and Cohasset Street.

Burbank Bike Route



Route Level-B

Class I

Bike Trails / Bike Paths

Constructed exclusively for use by cyclilsts.

Class II

Bike Lanes

Lane designated by painted stripe. Offer only limited protection from autos.

Class III

Bike Routes

No division of operating areas between cars and bikes.

Route Levels


B-Moderately Hilly

C-Extremely Hilly

******** Bike Route

--------Additional Bike Route

Researcher: Diana Roemer

Source: Automobile Club of Southern California
