
Burbank to Ax Starlight’s Operator

Burbank officials said Tuesday that they are beginning termination procedures against Starlight Amphitheatre operator Tim Pinch because of his failure to live up to an agreement to provide “broad and varied entertainment” at the city-owned facility.

The Burbank City Council asked city Parks and Recreation Director Richard Inga to issue a notice of termination before the end of December. Council members said Pinch has been unable to stage a steady slate of entertainment at the amphitheater.

The council declined to grant Pinch the 30-day extension he had requested to work out an agreement with Weintraub Entertainment Group and World Entertainment Services. Pinch had notified the city that he wanted to form a partnership with the two firms to manage the outdoor theater.


Experience at Issue

A majority of the council members said they did not feel Pinch was experienced enough to manage the facility. They said he had not lived up to his agreement to provide quality entertainment during his 3-year stint.

“This city has bent over backwards to work with Mr. Pinch,” Councilwoman Mary Lou Howard said. “We have given him every opportunity to be successful, and he has not performed.”

Pinch did not attend the council meeting and could not be reached for comment.

Once Pinch receives the termination notice, he will have 15 days to file an appeal and request a public hearing.


Pinch is the latest in a series of operators who have been unsuccessful in turning the amphitheater into what city officials consider a competitive entertainment facility.
