
Panel to Make Finance Plans for Symphony

A panel created recently to help solve South Coast Symphony’s money troubles has formed a subcommittee to make short- and long-term financial plans for the Costa Mesa-based organization, said committee member Ralph Radheim.

“Contacts are being made right now about where short-term dollars are coming from and, with commitments, (results) will be announced next week,” Radheim said Friday.

“There was a commitment (among task force members) that the South Coast Symphony will not (be allowed to) fail.”


The orchestra has had a severe cash-flow problem as a result of an accumulated deficit of $25,000 to $30,000. The deficit kept the orchestra itself from taking part in a Dec. 11 fund-raising concert featuring singer Florence Henderson and raised the possibility that the rest of the season might be canceled, according to the orchestra’s manager, Doreen Hardy.

(Hardy said Friday that the orchestra broke even on the Henderson concert, on which it had hoped to make money.)

A decision on whether to continue the concert season must be made by the board of directors, which will next meet Tuesday.


The four members of the subcommittee are Costa Mesa City Councilman Peter F. Buffa, head of the 12-member task force; Sally Anne Sheridan, Jeff Whiting and Radheim. The subcommittee will meet for the first time on Thursday.
