

<i> Research: Tracy Thomas</i> / <i> Los Angeles Times</i>

Diseases reported to the Los Angeles County Department of Health:

Year to Year to September September Date Date 1988 1987 1988 1987 Intestinal Infections Amebiasis 30 34 274 332 Campylobacteriosis 100 104 785 876 Giardiasis 130 104 912 1,034 Salmonellosis 145 131 1,199 1,332 Shigellosis 451 139 1,691 932 Childhood diseases Mumps 3 2 86 44 Measles 45 4 251 24 German measles 1 2 19 37 Whooping cough 3 2 45 39 Scarlet fever 13 6 434 317 Venereal diseases Gonorrhea* 2,747 3,115 21,106 29,387 Penicillin-resistant gonorrhea 216 122 1,193 1,250 Syphilis, primary and secondary 246 458 2,644 3,151 Other infectious diseases Hepatitis A** 97 65 856 883 Hepatitis B*** 48 47 532 728 Meningococcal infections**** 6 21 202 278 Tuberculosis 67 55 1,069 1,146

Diseases may have been diagnosed prior to month reported.

* Gonorrhea cases include cases of penicillin-resistant gonorrhea.

** Hepatitis A is spread by fecal-contaminated water, food or household contact with an infected person.

*** Hepatitis B is spread by contaminated blood, unsterile needles or sexual contact.

**** Meningococcal infections can cause spinal meningitis and blood poisoning.

Source: L.A. County Department of Health Services
