
The “Noel des Enfants” party Dec. 1...

The “Noel des Enfants” party Dec. 1 at Roger’s Gardens in Corona del Mar netted about $7,000 for the South County Cancer League. Kitty Knauerand Jean Baksic were co-chairwomen.

The “Noel d’ Elegance” dinner and auction Dec. 2 at Le Meridien hotel in Newport Beach netted about $80,000 for the American Cancer Society’s county branch. Mary Faulkner and Marilyn Cavanaugh were co-chairwomen.

The dinner-dance sponsored by the Alta Bahia chapter of the Orange County Philharmonic Society at the Pacific Club on Dec. 4 raised an estimated $10,000. Bobby Farley and Helene Bernard were co-chairwomen.


The Christmas party Dec. 6 at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Irvine netted about $4,000 for the Orange County Foundation of Oncology Children & Families. Richard Schwartz, Linda Kohlmeyer and Laura Kroth were co-chairmen.

The party Dec. 6 at the Santa Ana Heights home of Tom and Elizabeth Tierney netted about $6,000 for the Professional Women’s Support Group of Human Options. Janice Ballester was chairwoman.

The “Melodies & Memories” luncheon and auction Dec. 7 at the El Adobe de Capistrano restaurant in San Juan Capistrano netted about $4,000 for the Richard Rodgers chapter of the Orange County Performing Arts Center. Lorraine Anderson and Nancy Leuster were co-chairwomen.


The Building Dedication Dinner on Dec. 8 at the Newport Harbor Art Museum netted about $100,000. Judy Hemley was chairwoman.

The “Babes in Toyland” holiday brunch Dec. 11 at the Irvine Marriott netted about $10,000 for People for Irvine Community Health. Johanna Crosby was chairwoman.
