
Cardinal Backs Use of Condoms in AIDS Cases

From Times staff and wire service reports

During a brief television appearance, the Roman Catholic archbishop of Paris recently advocated the use of condoms for those who have tested positive for the AIDS virus and who refuse to refrain from sexual relations.

Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger told thousands of viewers here in a two-minute address Dec. 1 that those who have tested positive for the HIV virus and continue to have sex should “use the means proposed to them to prevent them from passing on death to others.”

Although the cardinal never used the French word for condoms (preservatifs), he was sanctioning their use to stop the spread of AIDS, said a spokesman.

In the United States, the Catholic bishops evoked a response from Rome when they issued a controversial statement that sanctions making available “accurate information about prophylactic devises” in public educational campaigns to combat AIDS. The U.S. bishops voted to prepare a second statement on the AIDS crisis in coordination with Rome.
