
Local News in Brief : Countywide : Cleveland Firewood Permits Available

Permits to collect up to one cord of dead and downed wood from Cleveland National Forest may be obtained for $20 at the Corona Ranger Station, 1147 E. 6th St. in Corona.

Only 100 permits are available on a first-come, first-served basis from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Permits are valid through Sept. 15. Wood may not be removed from private property within the national forest boundary or within the San Mateo Canyon Wilderness.

A cord is a tightly stacked pile of split wood measuring 4 by 4 by 8 feet. The wood is mostly pine, chaparral and oak.


If a chain saw is used, it must be equipped with a U.S. Forest Service-approved and -inspected spark arrester, Ranger Nancy Curriden said, and a fire extinguisher and shovel must be within 10 feet of the work site. Woodcutters must have their chain saws and fire extinguishers inspected when they get their permits.

For more information, call the Trabuco Ranger District office, (714) 736-1811.
