
So Much for Youth

<i> Compiled by the Fashion 88 staff </i>

America’s youth craze may be waning, if we judge by a recent nationwide poll. Eight hundred women, from 16 to 64, were asked to name women whose style and appearance they most admired. Tops on the list was Katharine Hepburn. Next were Linda Evans, Whitney Houston, Princess Diana, Jane Fonda, Nancy Reagan, Elizabeth Taylor, Cybill Shepherd, Barbara Walters and Christie Brinkley. The survey, by Langer Associates of New York, revealed that even younger women included women older than themselves among their “top five.”

Flights of Fancy

The two sides of “dressing for dinner” in L.A. were graphically illustrated Tuesday night by Goldie Hawn and Jane Seymour, who arrived together at the city’s newest hot spot: DC 3. The restaurant, named after the plane, is at Santa Monica airport in a converted airplane hangar. Interior design is by artist Chuck Arnaldi. We don’t know whether Hawn and Seymour et al. arrived by plane or car. We do know that Seymour was all dressed up in a flowing pink dress, her long hair caught to one side. Her friend Hawn, on the other hand, was all dressed down: a black jacket, a white sleeveless ribbed-cotton T-shirt and blue jeans. And that says it all for this city with no rules.

Hairy Situation

What do Tom Selleck, Bruce Springsteen and Tom Hanks have that Bruce Willis, Bob Hoskins and “Night Court” co-star Richard Moll do not? A lot of hair on their heads, which an overwhelming number of women prefer, according to a news flash from Redkin Laboratories Inc. The Canoga Park firm polled 534 women in beauty salons across the United States and found that only 20% “find bald men sexy.” The rest “not only want their men to have hair, but to have it wavy and short to medium length,” a company spokesperson adds. The poll didn’t check to see how balding men feel about the 80% who like men with a lot of hair.


Buttoning Up Stardom

Moving right along with the trend of interviewers who become celebrities, we have the saga of Jeanne Wolf, entertainment reporter for TV’s “Entertainment Tonight,” who is now dispensing lapel pins wherever she goes. Wolf’s trail of celeb interviews includes her claim of being “first ever to interview Barbara Walters on camera, at Walters’ home.” Anyway, Wolf has lots more going for her than just the show. For example, she was grand marshal of last weekend’s Whittier Christmas parade. And she’ll do the same in Fort Lauderdale next week for the Winterfest boat parade. And from now on, wherever she goes, Wolf says she’s going to give away little buttons she’s designed. The buttons say “Be a Star.” Why? “People don’t want my autograph because I’m not really a star. But they want something from me to keep and remember,” Wolf says. And because she always wears a silver star in her own lapel, she designed one for her fans. How nice.
