
McElligott to Leave Ad Firm He Founded

Tom McElligott, award-winning creator of nationally known advertising, plans to leave Fallon McElligott, the ad agency he helped found more than seven years ago.

McElligott, 45, a founding partner, vice president and creative director of the Minneapolis agency, said he is leaving because of disagreements about the agency’s creative direction, not for personal reasons. McElligott said he plans to stay in the Twin Cities and wants to remain in advertising.

“I’ve had strong opinions since the day the agency was opened about creative focus,” McElligott said. “I’m currently in substantial disagreement” with the agency’s other managers. He declined to elaborate.


However, agency spokeswoman Mary Weber said McElligott had expressed an interest in leaving for personal reasons.

McElligott said his decision to leave the firm had nothing to do with a series of recent controversies. Agency officials were widely criticized late last year after McElligott and another employee sent insulting letters to a Mankato woman who complained that one ad was sexist. The men later apologized, but the agency has since lost several large accounts, including US West Inc.

Among clients who remain are Federal Express Corp., Porsche USA and Timex Corp.

Fallon McElligott was founded in 1981. In 1986, a majority stake was sold to Scali McCabe Sloves, a New York-based agency. Fallon McElligott employs about 125 people. Its 1987 billings were $142 million.
