Snooping Around for a Red Baron Mug
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Patricia Matt of Temple City would like to find a Snoopy mug that shows him as the Red Baron flying a plane. Can you help before Matt flies off the handle, or should it be plain to her that her idea got shot down before it got off the ground?
Karen Lynch of Ventura needs Size 12 shoes for her 14-year-old daughter and can’t find a suitable style. Can you see to it that the shoe fits, or will Lynch’s daughter be the sole person around who is shoor to have her feet on the ground?
For years, Carter Bingham of Pomona has been seeking rubber rings for large-mouth fruit jars . Can you jar loose a source on this uncanny problem, or will Bingham end up running off at the mouth because nothing rings a bell?
Lucille Batchelor of San Clemente was told about a television program that locates missing heirs , but so far no one has been able to come up with any details. Can you locate a station that’s really on the money, or is it too soon for Batchelor to be putting on heirs?
Reader-to-Reader Help Line: Mrs. Hillmer at (714) 787-9271 needs a Canon Card Quartz LC-61T calculator alarm for an alarm clock; inquiries to the Canon Co. revealed that the item is out of production. Please sound the alarm and make sure that Hillmer can keep going around the clock. . . . Nancy at (213) 597-3825 is looking for the wooden “Bill Ding” blocks that were popular about 25 years ago but are now impossible to find. Wood you please see to it that Nancy gets off the blocks clean after so many years? . . . Kameel at (714) 491-9255 is looking for an air freshener called Gardenaire, but it’s been a while scents she’s been able to find it in a store. Who nose? Perhaps a reader can clear the air.
Note: The Reader-to-Reader Help Line is only for one-time items or for products no longer available in stores. And you must give us written permission to publish your telephone number, so that others may contact you directly.
For Fran Miller of Laguna Hills, who wanted some Brillantine for her husband, we have some brilliant news. V. C. Streed of Long Beach says Yardley’s Brillantine is available at Leader Drugs, Broadway and Pine Avenue, Long Beach. And Barbara Gundy of Summerland sent us a mail-order blank for Brillantine, which we have forwarded to Miller (along with additional information). The source is Beecham Cosmetics Inc., 600 Eagle Drive, Bensenville, Ill. 60106; their phone number is (312) 860-8754.
Hain cannot answer mail personally but will, space permitting, respond in this column to readers who need--or have--helpful information. Write (do not telephone) to You Can Help!, You section, the Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles 90053.