
Local News in Brief : Council to Decide Pay Dispute

A special meeting of the Lawndale City Council has been called for 7 tonight to discuss the council’s decision to withhold $5,000 in benefits from a $26,000 severance package for ousted City Manager Daniel P. Joseph. The agenda indicates that part of the meeting will be public, followed by a closed session.

Councilmen Harold E. Hofmann, Larry Rudolph and Dan McKenzie last Thursday voted to withhold the $5,000, saying they had not intended that benefits as well as salary be included in Joseph’s severance agreement.

Joseph, in an interview, claimed that the council majority had “reneged” on an agreement it made in a closed-door session Nov. 17, when he agreed to resign after less than 6 months on the job.


Mayor Sarann Kruse and Councilwoman Carol Norman, who walked out of the Nov. 17 meeting in an unsuccessful attempt to prevent Joseph’s dismissal, objected to the withholding of the $5,000 but abstained from the vote last Thursday.
