
Local News in Brief : Pierce Delays Decision on Acting as Fair Site

Pierce College faculty members were given more time Tuesday to decide whether they want the San Fernando Valley Fair’s new home to be on their campus.

Members of the college Planning and Budget Committee said they will hold a special meeting next week to vote whether to endorse a 4-day trial run of the fair in July.

This was the third time in the past month that the advisory committee members have met to discuss the fair. Each time they have failed to take a stand on its move. The latest delay will give them more time to discuss the plan with colleagues, said William Norlund, a college vice president.


Fair officials hope to negotiate a renewable 50-year lease with the Los Angeles Community College District if a successful fair is staged next year on a 30-acre portion of the school’s farm.

Ted Nauman, a consultant for the fair’s sponsoring 51st District Agricultural Assn., said fair officials will let the college help plan future fairground development if the association is allowed to use the campus permanently.

Nauman said the association has $3.5 million in the bank, with an extra $10 million in state funds set aside by the Legislature to build structures or make other improvements on a permanent site. Fair organizers have suggested that the fairgrounds’ buildings could be used by Pierce students between fairs.


“We see this as an immense opportunity that only benefits both agencies,” Nauman said, as he urged the college committee to support the fair’s move.

Faculty members quizzed Nauman for 2 hours at Tuesday’s meeting. They said they hope to receive more details about how the fair would assist Pierce’s educational program before they vote next week.
