
Local News in Brief : Countywide : Applications Welcome for Grand Jury Service

Applications are being taken for the 1989-90 Orange County Grand Jury, Superior Court Presiding Judge Phillip E. Cox said Monday. The deadline for applications is Jan. 20.

The grand jury is made up of 19 members who serve 1-year terms, beginning July 3. Members are charged with investigating county government and, in some cases, considering evidence in criminal cases.

Applicants must be more than 18 years old and will be subject to background checks. Grand jury members are chosen by Superior Court judges.


Cox said the grand jury is a full-time job requiring 4 to 5 days of work each week. If an applicant is employed, included with the application should be written verification from his or her employer showing that he or she will be given time to serve.

Grand jurors receive $25 for each day of work, not to exceed $100 in a week. They also are compensated for expenses.

Applicants should send a stamped, self-addressed, business-size envelope to Grand Jury Application, c/o Alan Slater, jury commissioner, Orange County Courthouse, P.O. Box 1994, Santa Ana, Calif. 92702.
