
Actors’ Equity Plan Rejected

Actors’ Equity’s newly revised plan governing theaters with fewer than 100 seats was unanimously rejected Saturday at a meeting of Associated Theatres of Los Angeles (ATLAS), the organization that represents many of the operators of those theaters.

About 30 theaters or producers were represented at the meeting, according to an ATLAS spokeswoman. The 33 revisions in the plan went into effect last week after Equity’s national council unanimously approved them. They cover such major issues as method of actor reimbursement and length of run.

Under the revisions, actors will be reimbursed according to a sliding percentage of the weekly box- office gross--as the theater operators had requested--but with a fixed minimum of $5 per performance. Before the revisions, the plan required fixed payments of between $5 and $14, with amounts based solely on seating capacity.


ATLAS officials maintain that the changes still do not address the problem of large cast productions or productions with unusually small budgets.
