
Levi Strauss & Co. said it is...

Levi Strauss & Co. said it is dropping two divisions--the Jeans Co. and Levis Strauss Sportswear. The company, which went private in 1985 and did more than $3 billion in sales last year, said the two divisions will be consolidated starting in January. The executive positions heading the two divisions will be eliminated. Leo Isotalo, 52, president of Levi Strauss Sportswear, will leave the company. Peter Thigpen, president of the Jeans Co., will head the new domestic operation. Dropping the two divisions will enable Levi to merge their computer systems and financial and administrative services. Layoffs are expected, but the number is not known. The Jeans Co. manufactures and markets men’s jeans and youth wear. Levi Strauss Sportswear makes men’s clothing, including Dockers and Exact, and women’s wear and shirts.
