
The Marriage of Maria Braun (Bravo Sunday...

The Marriage of Maria Braun (Bravo Sunday at 5 p.m.): This 1979 film is one of West Germany’s late R. W. Fassbinder’s most popular and accessible films yet is also one of his most ambitious and complex works. He has taken the story of a woman struggling to survive in World War II and in its grim aftermath and treated it as a woman’s picture of the ‘40s, taking its conventions to their delirious limits as a way of commenting on the absurd nature of war, the plight of women, life itself and especially love. (2:00)

The Naked Kiss (Channel 7 Thursday at 1 a.m.): The 1964 Samuel Fuller classic that opens with its absolutely bald prostitute-heroine (Constance Towers) losing her wig in a ferocious struggle. (2:00)

The Glass Menagerie (1973) (Channel 11 Friday at 3 a.m.): This is the respected 1973 David Susskind version of the Tennessee Williams drama in which Katharine Hepburn made her TV acting debut as Amanda Wingfield. (2:00)


Park Row (TMC Friday at 8 a.m.): Another key Sam Fuller film, made in 1952 and starring Fuller favorite Gene Evans as a journalist determined to start his own paper. A virtually unique evocation of the combative world of New York journalism of a century ago. (1:30)
