
Local News in Brief : Post Office Extends Services for Holidays

Sunday mail pickups from 500 specially marked U.S. Postal Service deposit boxes will resume today in the San Fernando Valley and surrounding areas after an absence of nearly 9 months, postal officials in Van Nuys said.

The special Sunday collection and processing will continue through Dec. 23, said William G. Jackson, Van Nuys postmaster and division general manager for the Postal Service.

Curb-side mailboxes to be emptied on Sundays are near post offices and at other scattered locations. They are marked with decals showing a green Christmas tree and the motto “mail early in the day,” Jackson said.


In a related effort to speed mail delivery during the holiday season, postal officials have begun using a mobile post office truck at various Valley sites, Jackson said.

The 28-foot unit also will operate through Dec. 23. It will be at Home Depot in Van Nuys on Mondays, at various retirement centers on Tuesdays, at Kaiser Permanente Medical in Panorama City on Wednesdays, at the Northridge K mart store on Thursdays and Saturdays, and at the Van Nuys Fedco store Fridays.

The mobile post office and Sunday collections had been curtailed Feb. 13 as part of nationwide cutbacks in postal service.
