
Lawndale Delays Bus Decision

Although the Lawndale City Council earlier this year approved the concept of the city’s participation in a $4-million bus service called the Regional Commuter Transit System, the council voted unanimously Thursday night to withhold final approval of the plan pending contract amendments.

The contract has already been approved by nine other cities, including Torrance, the lead agency for the system. The program will receive 75% of its funding from a federal grant and the remainder from the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission and the participating cities.

City Atty. David J. Aleshire said the contract allows a city to withdraw from the system only during a three-month period of the year. The council indicated that it wants more freedom to back out if problems arise or costs become excessive. The 1988-89 budget of $330,312 calls for a $9,909 contribution from Lawndale.


City officials said they are willing to participate in the system if the contract problems can be resolved.
