
Promise Unfulfilled

How spiteful can City Council members be? For them to unfairly gang up on three council members and unjustly grab money meant for low-income areas of the city is regrettable.

I wonder if they plan to attack Common Cause, League of Women Voters, Sierra Club and the other community and minority organizations. We all supported district elections because it is a fairer way to elect City Council members and provides accountable representation. We had hoped that, after winning, council members would look forward to not having to raise large campaign chests, meet with their districts more often and give district elections a try. Instead, the same council members that warned of dirty pork-barrel politics are now doing it.

We must all ask for a fair hearing to review just how the block grant distribution was decided upon.


City Council members McColl, Struiksma, Henerson, Roberts and McCarty should understand that this is escalating an explosive situation between the haves and the have-nots in San Diego.


San Diego
