
Peters Co. 7th on Home Builders List

Please let your Orange County readers know that J.M. Peters Co. currently ranks seventh on Orange County’s list of home builders, based on total sales. We were omitted from the Nov. 29 published list (“29 Home Builders in County Have Sales in Top 400”). We also rank 42nd nationally.

The omission was the result of Professional Builder magazine incorrectly combining our revenue with those of our parent company, Southmark Inc. The Los Angeles Times, in good faith, relied on the magazine’s research, which was misleading.

Thank you for bringing this to your readers’ attention.


Director, Investor Relations

J.M. Peters Co.

Newport Beach

Send letters to Orange County Business Editor, Los Angeles Times, P.O. Box 2008, Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626. Please include full name, address and phone number.
