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THE MASK by Dean R. Koontz (Berkley: $4.50). A deceptively angelic-looking girl appears to be the answer to a childless couple’s prayers.
50 by Avery Corman (Ivy: $3.95). Doug Gardner, a divorced Manhattan sportswriter, approaches this coming of age with trepidation, frustration and finally renewed purpose.
LIE DOWN IN ROSES by Shannon Drake (Charter: $4.50). During the War of the Roses, Lady Genevieve offers her hand to a nefarious suitor to save the family castle.
HEY JACK! by Barry Hannah (Penguin: $6.95). Jack, erudite and judicious, plans to retire to a small Southern college town and run a cafe. But things take a different course when a rock star returns home to cool out and to heat up a relationship with his daughter.
MAN WITH A GUN by Robert Daley (Pocket: $4.95). When the smoke clears after a shootout, a NYPD deputy commissioner finds himself working fervently to clear his name.
FAMILY: The Ties That Bind . . . And Gag! by Erma Bombeck (Fawcett Crest: $4.95). Syndicated columnist’s equivocal thoughts on family life.
CAESARS OF THE WILDERNESS: The Story of the Hudson Bay Company by Peter C. Newman (Penguin: $8.95). Trappers, traders and pioneers helped forge the Hudson Bay empire, which at one time occupied one twelfth of the earth.
MOTHER ON TRIAL: The Mysterious Death of an Outback Baby by Richard Shears (St. Martin’s: $3.95). An Australian mother’s seven-year ordeal of attempting to prove her infant daughter was killed by a dingo rather than at her own hands.
AN OPEN LIFE: Joseph Campbell in Conversations With Michael Toms, selected and edited by John M. Maher and Dennie Briggs (Larson: $9.95). Nine radio interviews with the author of “The Power of Myth” and “The Hero With a Thousand Faces” on the underlying spiritual processes of a range of topics.
DEBUTANTE by Gioia Diliberto (Pocket: $4.95). Brenda Frazier was the subject of about 5,000 articles during her coming out in the ‘30s, but when the adulation stopped so did Brenda’s desire to live.
ELIZABETH TAKES OFF: On Weight Gain, Weight Loss, Self-Image, and Self-Esteem by Elizabeth Taylor (Berkley: $7.95). Taylor confides addictive behavior that caused her weight to balloon and her self-esteem to diminish.
CHILDREN IN THE CROSSFIRE: Violence in the Home--How Does It Affect Our Children? by Maria Roy (Health Communications: $9.95). Special problems and possible solutions to assist children who come from homes where one parent is battered.
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