
Adelman to Head County Bar Assn.

Marc D. Adelman has been formally installed as the new president of the San Diego County Bar Assn. at the bar’s annual dinner. Adelman is a graduate of Western State University College of Law who has his own practice and specializes in general civil and business litigation. He will serve a one-year term.

Five new members of the bar’s board of directors also were installed Friday for three-year terms. The five, declared winners after mail ballots from the bar membership were tallied, are Anthony J. Battaglia; Robert C. Baxley; Edward D. Chapin; South Bay representative Wesley R. Mason III and Leo S. Papas.

Adelman will replace outgoing president Edward (Ned) Huntington.

The San Diego County Bar Assn. has 5,000 members and operates the Bar Foundation and the Lawyer Referral and Information Service.
