
The State : Death Inquiry Will Continue

An agreement by Riverside County Coroner Ray Carrillo not to pursue his demands for the frozen head of Dora Kent will have no effect on a criminal investigation into the woman’s death and a local cryogenics organization, Assistant Riverside Dist. Atty. Randall T. Tagami said. Carrillo also agreed not to disturb the remains of eight other people frozen at Alcor Life Extension Laboratories. They were frozen in the hope that they can be revived when cures for the diseases that killed them are discovered in the future. In return, Dora Kent’s son, Saul, dropped a demand that the county pay $25,600 in legal fees. Mrs. Kent, 83, died last Dec. 11 at the Alcor laboratory without a doctor being present. Her head was then removed and frozen, Alcor officials said, in the hope it could one day be reattached to another body. The Alcor officials said she had died of pneumonia.
