
Memorial Service Scheduled for Westminster City Atty. Paul H. Morgan

A memorial service will be held today for Westminster City Atty. Paul H. Morgan, who died Nov. 28 of a heart attack while driving his car.

Morgan had been the city attorney since the City Council appointed him to the post in 1968. He was city attorney for La Habra from 1963 to 1976 and before that had served as deputy city attorney there.

Morgan was driving on Coast Highway when he suffered a heart attack. The car went off the road and onto a sand shoulder. No one else was injured.


Morgan was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, on Aug. 23, 1921. He is survived by his wife and two grown children.

The memorial service will be conducted at 3 p.m. at Pacific View Mortuary, 3500 Pacific View Drive, Newport Beach. Private burial services were held Thursday.
