
Airport Crime Can Chill Holiday Spirits

From Times Wire Services

If your holiday plans include a trip, there’s something you should think about besides trimming the tree--crime.

A survey by American Express shows that the holiday season is second only to the summer vacation period in both the number of Americans traveling and the number of crimes that occur in U.S. airports.

The survey reported that most airport crimes are crimes of opportunity; hurrying makes us more vulnerable, and thieves are using more sophisticated techniques to separate us from our valuables.


“This survey of airport security managers, who frequently witness crimes committed against travelers, points to the fact that travelers need to be more aware of their susceptibility to the actions of airport pickpockets and thieves,” said Ron Glover, president of American Express Travelers Cheque Group.

“With the overall increase in thefts and pickpocketing in high traffic areas, travelers can protect themselves by taking a few simple precautions.”

* Never leave bags unattended. Push a baggage cart in front of you instead of pulling it, to keep your belongings in plain sight.


* Men should never carry wallets in their back pockets; use the inside breast pocket of your coat. Women should carry handbags with the flap turned toward the body and against the hip, or in front where they can see it. The handbag should never be allowed to slide in back.

* Carry cash, travelers checks, passports, tickets, charge cards and other valuables in different places. If everything is carried together, it all could be stolen.

* Escalators, doorways, baggage claim areas, phone banks, check-in lines and bathrooms are key areas where a thief can work undetected. Airport security managers recommend extra wariness.


“Distraction/extraction” is a favorite ploy of many airport con artists. A thief might create a distraction by dropping the contents of a purse or bag in front of a traveler. As the traveler bends down to help, an accomplice comes up from behind and walks away with the traveler’s luggage.

In other cases, a traveler may leave a bag or briefcase unattended while buying a cup of coffee or a newspaper. The thief can simply pick it up and walk away.

Foreign travelers, older travelers and affluent-looking travelers are the most attractive targets, the survey reported. Security managers recommended dressing down so travelers will not draw too much attention to themselves.
