
La Habra : 2 Arrested on Suspicion of Twice Firing Shotgun

A 19-year-old man and a 17-year-old boy were arrested early Wednesday on suspicion of firing a shotgun twice from a car at La Habra homes, police said. No injuries were reported.

La Habra Police Lt. Wayne Lowry said officers were investigating the first gunshot in the 700 block of West 5th Street, reported about 12:10 a.m., when they heard shots about 12:40 a.m. coming from the 700 block of West 4th Street aid.

Officers stopped a Toyota Celica seen speeding from the area and found in it a 20-gauge shotgun and several rounds of ammunition, Lowry said.


Mark Duckworth, 19, of La Habra was arrested on suspicion of firing a gun. The 17-year-old suspect’s name was not released because he is a juvenile. Both were released after being cited.
