
Here’s an Easy Way to Be a Good Holiday Host

<i> Shaw is a free-lance writer in Los Angeles. </i>

My junior high school English teacher had a maxim that haunts me to this day: “You always have time for what you really want to do.”

It’s one of those bottom-line facts of life. “I’d love to, but I just don’t have the time,” doesn’t cut it as an excuse, even during this harried holiday season.

I know that despite the commitments currently consuming whole chunks of my calendar, failing to hold my annual holiday housewarming would show that I was short--not on time--but on good will. So, I’m going ahead with it, skipping the hour-devouring pates and tortas I’ve served in the past, starting off, instead, with simpler hors d’oeuvres and spreads such as these.


4 tablespoons oil

2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced

12 large mushroom caps, cleaned

8 ounces Boursin cheese with herbs

Heat olive oil in large skillet. Add garlic and saute until golden, but do not burn. Remove garlic from oil.


Place mushroom caps in skillet and saute lightly until coated with oil and slightly tender. Remove from heat.

Stuff mushroom caps with Boursin cheese. Place on broiler pan or baking sheet. Broil mushrooms until cheese browns, 2 to 3 minutes. Serve immediately. Makes 12 mushroom hors d’oeuvres.


1/2 cup shredded sharp Cheddar cheese

1/2 cup ricotta cheese

1/2 cup walnut halves

1/2 cup dried figs

1/2 large sweet red pepper, chopped

1 clove garlic, crushed

2 tablespoons cream or milk

Whole-grain crackers or apple slices

Combine Cheddar and ricotta cheeses, walnuts, figs, pepper and garlic in blender or food processor and process until well blended. Add cream as needed for spreadability. Serve with whole-grain crackers or apple slices. Makes 2 cups spread.
