
Election Night Projections

In the aftermath of the elective process, I am deeply concerned about the intentional and unintentional manipulation of the electorate through paid advertising, poll taking and election night projections. In wake of the drama and excesses of the election, I would like to suggest that public interest advocates search for ways to:

- Lay a legal base for subsequent libel actions by parties suffering from campaign lies.

- Limit the amount of advertising permitted on behalf of candidates or propositions, or require the media to provide free time to explain the opposing sides of issues.

- Shorten the election period.

- Close the loopholes in the campaign funding laws which allow unlimited resources to be used on behalf of candidates or propositions.


- Reduce or balance the impact of polls, as the polls tend to strongly influence or even predetermine the election results.

- Seek out voluntary solutions to control the timing of election projections--or change the closing hours of the election polls in the various states by law.

Thoughtful examination of the above proposals for action might help clean up some of the most negative aspects of the campaign.


An issue of much greater import is the continuation of the Electoral College as the means of casting the final ballots. It is long past time for change. “One-man, one-vote” can only be realized by the necessary amendment to the Constitution, letting the popular vote prevail.


