
Election Night Projections

Now that the election is over, we can discuss how well it was conducted. I have no argument with the local precincts. A great many people giving of their time and efforts to make the election run smoothly and honestly. At the national level, it would seem that the will of the people isn’t important any more, only the polls and projections of the winners made by the three major networks--CBS, NBC and ABC. Most of these projections of winners in various Eastern states took place hours before polls closed on the West Coast and Hawaii. Thus, many voters in the West felt their vote was not needed or perhaps wanted to climb on the winning bandwagon. Why should the news media choose our President and vice president in this way?

Perhaps a better solution to this problem would be to change some of the voting hours in the West to more closely coincide with Eastern Standard Time. Also put a blackout on election results and network projections until all polls have closed across the country, including the West Coast, Hawaii and Alaska.


