

Heart disease, cancer and stroke-related conditions remained the three leading causes of death in Los Angeles County over a 10-year period, accounting for about two-thirds of the 62,829 deaths in 1986, according to the Department of Health Services. The department compared statistics for 1977 and 1986, measuring the rates of death from various causes per 100,000 people. There was only one change in the 10 leading causes of death over that period. With more people dying from AIDS each year, infectious diseases moved into 10th place, replacing diabetes.

Cause 1988 1977 Heart Disease 285 308 Cancerous Tumors 172.1 176.7 Stroke-related conditions 56.7 80 Accidents 37.8 41.3 Pneumonia/Influenza 28 16.6 Chronic Lung Disease * 27.6 Homicide 18.8 17.4 Chronic Liver Disease 16.9 16.6 Suicide 12.9 18.1 Infectious Diseases 12.5 6.2

* Not available for 1977

Source: Los Angeles County Department of Health Services.
