
PTA Releases 2nd Edition of Youth Services Directory

The second publication of KIDSGUIDE, the PTA’s recreation and community service directory, is being released this month at Long Beach and Los Alamitos public schools. The new 2-year directory will be sold through the PTA as a fund-raising and community service project.

The 1988-90 edition of the guide features more than 200 pages of updated information on youth activities and services in a one-source, easy access directory. Its size and content have been expanded to include new seasonal information on recreational programs, vacation camps, after-school activities and youth sports, along with new chapters on teen-age activities, adaptive programs for handicapped students, day trips, parent education, health services, counseling and crisis programs, plus an alphabetical index for locating specific programs.

Directories cost $3. All proceeds will go to the PTA student assistance fund at individual schools. Student enrichment and incentive programs, field trips, assemblies, medical and dental assistance and sixth-grade camperships are among the programs that will benefit from the sale. To obtain a copy, call 597-3861.
