
Reviewing Glass

I have always looked forward to Martin Bernheimer’s music reviews (“UCLA Introduces Glass’ Science-Fictitious ‘Airplanes,’ ” Nov. 5). In these days of information saturation and of reviews of all sorts turning up everywhere, his writings are singular.

Not only is he in touch with the music and performances, but the writing itself is creative and absorbing. No worthy stones are left unturned, yet his personal style involves me.

I have not yet seen the new Philip Glass opera, but after hearing some of Glass’ other music and reading Bernheimer’s review, I feel I know precisely what to expect. Pointing out sensationalism, acknowledgement of the tired arguments to criticisms of the Glass style, positive points of the production, explanation of the writer’s point of view. . . .


Unfortunately, most music reviews are post-mortems; dry and not clear on whether the concert attended was good or bad.

I always read Bernheimer’s articles mornings, and find that, even if a performance he attended was lacking, his writing is not, and the experience is a positive day-starter.


