
Downey : Street Sweeping Debated

After considerable debate Tuesday night, the Downey City Council decided, in a 3-2 vote, to look into different contracts for alternate-side-of-the-street sweeping. In a companion 4-1 vote, the council agreed to begin posting no-parking signs in two to four weeks and start sweeping the neighborhoods of residents who had signed petitions requesting the service. The area will encompass about 1,100 homes, city traffic engineer Vernita Anderson said.

William A. Ralph, director of the Public Works Department, said the Dixon Street Sweeping Co. in Downey noted that the cost of alternate-side-of-the-street sweeping will cost the city 50% more than the $363,824 cost of a permit-parking plan that Ralph initially proposed. Posting signs in the petitioned areas will cost the city about $37,000--about $50 for each sign.

The council is expected to vote on a street sweeping ordinance in 30 days once it decides on a contractor.
