
Foreign Endorsements

Amazingly, but those two old, crazy foxes of international politics and geopolitics, the Chinese and the Soviets, have shown their still ingrained naivete in their explicit or implicit endorsements of George Bush for President; or for that matter, of any American presidential candidate (“Soviet Official Joins Chinese Leader in Supporting Bush,” Part I, Sept. 24).

First, and in general terms, their endorsement means nothing, to the American people. We can sort of sense that China and the Soviets may want something; and perhaps I may have miscalculated, misjudged their foxiness. Perhaps they feel that Bush, in his trying to emulate old Bozo, could be an easier President to handle. Anyway, the American people are going to vote the way they have always voted, with restricted insight and from a shaky base of emotionalism.

Second, to receive the endorsement from two half-asleep, half-underdeveloped giants, is nothing to brag about.


Third, the two endorsers are undergoing more political and economic problems than they can shake a stick at. Their endorsement is tantamount to letters of recommendation from two high school flunkies.

Fourth, most Americans still don’t trust communists. President Reagan has a lot to do with this shameful state of affairs begun in the 1950s by Sen. Joseph McCarthy.

Fifth, so what! Maybe South Africa President Pieter Botha, El Salvador President Jose Napoleon Duarte, Chile President Gen. Augusto Pinochet, Israel Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher are also endorsing (under the table) the Bushmaster. But all this foreign politicking means nothing to America.


And again, so what! Maybe Michael Dukakis is most fortunate that he was passed over!


