
THE SEOUL GAMES / DAY 14 : Griffith Joyner Will Try for 4 Golds, She Says

Florence Griffith Joyner expects not only to run for the United States in the 400-meter relay, but to anchor the U.S. 1,600-meter relay team, as well, giving her a shot at four gold medals in the Seoul Olympics.

“I’m talking it over with the coaches, but yes, I’ll probably do both relays,” she said Thursday.

Griffith Joyner, gold medalist and world record-holder in the women’s 100 and 200 meters, said she works out at 400-meter distances as part of her daily routine, and considers herself fully prepared to handle the longer relay.


“I might skip the heats and just anchor them in the final,” she said.

However, Griffith Joyner told NBC-TV Friday in Seoul that the final decision was up to the U.S. coaches. She said she expected a decision from them soon.
