
Major Downtown Hotel a Step Closer

Glendale moved a step closer to getting its first major downtown hotel Tuesday when the City Council and the Glendale Redevelopment Agency passed resolutions finalizing an agreement with Red Lion Inns of Vancouver, Wash.

The resolutions clear the way for Red Lion to begin design work on the $36-million, 350-room hotel, which is to be built on the south side of Glenoaks Boulevard between Central Avenue and Brand Boulevard.

According to Susan Shick, deputy executive director of the redevelopment agency, construction work is scheduled to begin next fall, with the hotel officially opening in the spring of 1991. Glendale officials have been working since 1985 to bring a large, first-class hotel to the downtown area.


The resolutions passed at Tuesday’s joint hearing of the council and the redevelopment agency formally accepted the complex financial terms of the project and acknowledged that the value of the hotel to the city outweighs the negative impacts it will have in increasing downtown traffic and congestion.
