
Lebanese Leader Fires 4 Colonels

Associated Press

Maj. Gen. Michel Aoun, commander of the Lebanese army and leader of the country’s Christian Cabinet, fired four colonels Tuesday in a shake-up aimed at supporters of former President Amin Gemayel.

The shake-up, apparently designed to consolidate Aoun’s power within the army, brought his most trusted aides to top military posts. It preceded the first meeting of Aoun’s Cabinet, which Gemayel, a Christian, appointed before his six-year term ended last week.

Aoun’s government has been rejected by the Muslim majority, which recognizes only the Cabinet of acting Premier Salim Hoss, a Sunni Muslim.


Aoun dismissed Col. Simon Kassis, head of the army’s intelligence branch, and replaced him with Col. Amer Shehab.

He also dismissed the commander of the presidential guards, Col. Louis Kassis, and replaced him with Col. Francois Zein. Maj. Fuad Ashkar was appointed head of the army’s security apparatus, replacing Col. George Shahwan.

Col. Mohammed Zaidan, the only Muslim among the four, was fired as as head of the army’s strategic planning branch. No successor was named.


Meanwhile, the State Department said new U.S. Ambassador John McCarthy, who arrived in Beirut over the weekend, has begun meeting rival Lebanese leaders, urging support for a peaceful presidential election.
