
Orly Lapin Loses Round on Child Visits : Judge Declines for Now to Ease Restrictions on Ex-Beauty Queen

Times Staff Writer

Four weeks after her acquittal on charges of kidnaping her son and daughter, former Israeli beauty queen Orly Lapin suffered a temporary setback Tuesday in her bid to have restrictions eased on visits with the children.

The ex-wife of “bloodless surgeon” Ron Lapin was was back in Superior Court in Santa Ana to begin waging a fight for custody of the children. They now live with the father in Orange, and Orly Lapin is allowed two visits each week with a guard present, in a set location in front of a one-way mirror.

Meeting privately with attorneys, Judge Ronald E. Owen declined to change the court order that now limits Orly Lapin to supervised visits, reportedly saying that he would wait for testimony in a custody hearing to consider such a decision.


At the request of attorneys, the judge put off until November the start of the custody hearing, expected to last several weeks. That hearing seems sure to spark the same kind of sensational revelations and allegations that marked Orly Lapin’s kidnaping trial in August.

Indeed, Lawyers for Orly and Ron Lapin, and the two themselves, began firing new volleys back and forth Tuesday even before a date for the custody hearing was set.

“I hate you!” a tearful Orly Lapin yelled outside the courtroom at her ex-husband, who has gained national exposure as a promoter of “bloodless surgery,” a controversial procedure that does not use blood transfusions.


“I always will. I hate you! I wish you’d die,” Orly Lapin yelled as Ron Lapin walked by. Talking to a reporter, she also cited testimony from the recent kidnaping trial in which a baby-sitter for Ron Lapin testified that she had been raped by him and that Lapin had molested the Lapins’ 4-year-old daughter.

Also Tuesday, lawyers for Ron Lapin gave to reporters copies of provocative, semi-nude pictures of Orly Lapin that appeared in Playboy and other magazines some years ago.

Pointing to the photographs, lawyer Lisa Hughes asked a reporter: “Would you give custody to a woman like that? . . . The one picture of Orly Lapin that’s come across so far is of this hurt and innocent woman. These photos show another side.”


Orly Lapin replied: “That was 10 years ago. I was a successful model and that’s nothing to be ashamed of. This has nothing to do with my love for my kids, and I’ve done nothing wrong.

“All I want is my children. That’s all I want.”

Ron Lapin said he looks forward to the custody hearing to tell his side of the story, after allegations of child molesting, rape and adultery made against him at Orly Lapin’s kidnaping trial. “For once, I’ll be able to have my say,” he said.

Orly Lapin was tried on kidnaping charges last month after she took the two children to Israel in the summer of 1987 against the father’s wishes. A jury found Orly Lapin not guilty.
