
Local News in Brief : Sen. Greene Robbed on Street by Gunman

A state senator has found out about street crime the hard way, in an encounter with a gun-toting robber who got away with $602 and a Capitol access badge.

State Sen. Bill Greene (D-Los Angeles) reported that he was robbed Friday night after leaving an aide’s apartment on North Edgewood Avenue in Inglewood.

Inglewood Police Sgt. Harold Moret said the robber, armed with a revolver, told Greene, “This is a real gun, so just be cool, give me your money.”


Greene, 56, gave the robber a wallet from his coat pocket, but the gunman forced Green to lie face down on the sidewalk and searched him. The gunman found a second wallet with money, the access badge to the Capitol and personal papers. The man then fled to a waiting car. Greene was not injured in the incident.
