
Congress Defeats Gun-Control Bill

“I’m NRA!” crows a grinning celebrity in a TV commercial. Well, I’m NRA, too, but when I say it I want to gag and burn my membership card.

Golden State gun nuts are living with a seven-day waiting period; why, then, does the NRA stubbornly insist residents of other states need instant gratification?

The hawkish NRA’s arguments are specious; ditto for their dovish opponents. And we all know that our chicken-hearted Congress is the tool of special interests.


Urban gunfire and the thud of falling bodies is drowning out the empty war of words on Capitol Hill.

Carl Rowan and Bernhard Goetz might be on opposite ends of the spectrum--but when push comes to shove, we all act like Charles Bronson.

Maybe a background check during the proposed seven-day waiting period will do some good, maybe it won’t--but it can’t hurt. Somebody might be tempted to think twice and cool off, whether contemplating homicide or suicide.


Finally, if a law-abiding citizen wants a handgun so badly that he needs it the same day--look out, duck, or run for cover.


Los Angeles
