
Rates Cut at 600 Hotels

Accommodation Passport is offering a booklet with coupons providing discounts of 10% to 30% at more than 600 hotels in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. The discount booklet costs $25.

The booklets are divided into 10 locations that include hotels from budget to more expensive. The discounts are valid until March 31, 1989.

The booklet lists the price of the hotels by season and the discounts. Rates, in English or Irish currency, include the value-added tax. Discounts stay the same regardless of any seasonal variations in price.


All rates are on a per-person, double-occupancy basis. However, the discounts apply regardless of how many people are in the room, although there may be an extra charge for guests beyond the first two.

The booklet also lists what meals, if any, are included in the price of the room.

Among the chains participating in the program are Value Inns, Stakis Hotels, Scottish Highland Hotels, Best Western, Embassy Hotels and Quality Inns. About 85% of the properties have private bathrooms. Information in the booklet, however, doesn’t indicate which properties have private bathrooms.

Reservations have to be made directly with the individual properties, which may have U.S. sales offices. Indicate that your reservation is through Accommodation Passport when you make your booking. In some instances, a higher discount is offered for bookings made 24 hours before arrival.


Travel agents are not paid commissions on bookings under this program, but agents might book your rooms if they are handling other items such as flights and car rentals. However, a service fee might be levied for this extra service.

In some areas, subsequent reservations may be made by a hotel, especially if it’s part of a chain.

When using this sort of program, book at least your first night’s stay before departure from the United States. Hotels in London also are included in the booklet.


Based in Vancouver, Canada, Accommodation Passport is a subsidiary of Wheels International, a car- and motor-rental company. The same program was previously offered by Hotel Pass International, which was also in Vancouver.

For more information, contact Accommodation Passport Inc., 1682 W. 7th Ave., Suite 308, Vancouver, Canada V6J 4S6, or call (604) 731-5522.
