
Centennial Parade Shuttle

San Pedro will provide a shuttle bus service today to minimize traffic in the area of the San Pedro Centennial Parade.

Parade manager Gerry Gaines said the buses will operate from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4 to 5 p.m. and will charge $1. The shuttle’s route begins at 17th and Gaffey streets, heads north on Gaffey to 9th Street, east on 9th to Beacon Street, and south on Beacon to 17th Street, turning west and returning to Gaffey.

Free parking will be available at a warehouse next to the 22nd Street landing. Special parking for disabled drivers with permits is at 5th Street at the harbor.


The parade will begin at 1 p.m. at 6th Street and Pacific Avenue, proceed east on 6th to Harbor Boulevard, then south on Harbor to 22nd Street. The disabled may view the parade from a special viewing stand at 6th Street and Harbor Boulevard.
