
Man Surrenders After Wife Flees and Claims Rape

A Carson man suspected of raping his wife and holding her captive for 16 hours surrendered to sheriff’s deputies Saturday after a SWAT team surrounded his house, authorities said.

Floyd Morales, 28, walked out of the house with his 4-year-old daughter about 8:40 a.m. after deputies asked him to surrender, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy Bill Wehner said. The girl was unharmed.

Because deputies had believed the man was armed, 12 nearby residences in the 800 block of Bond Street were evacuated at about 3 a.m., Wehner said.


The wife managed to escape and alerted authorities after being treated at a hospital.

The incident began at 4 a.m. Friday when the woman, who is separated from her husband, arrived at the house to prepare the couple’s daughter for school, Wehner said.

The pair became involved in a heated argument and the man allegedly attacked his wife. After several hours she persuaded him to let her leave the house. Deputies said he then drove her to her car, and she went to a hospital.

Morales was booked on suspicion of rape, kidnaping and assault.
