
Rep. Dornan’s Encounter With Gays

Your coverage of Rep. Robert K. Dornan’s Town Hall meeting encounter with the gay and lesbian Orange County Visibility League carried some powerful messages. I personally believe people under pressure often reveal their true feelings.

It is shocking for a congressman’s wife to call us “fags.” It would be devastating to hear my mom, dad, or brothers demean me with epithets such as “fag.”

Why is this Judeo/Christian society having such a hard time learning how to be loving and gentle with those of us in my community who are facing death? The church has a big job on its hand. Some have met the challenge. Too many sit on the sidelines.


I understand that Dornan has not made any contributions as yet to AIDS hospices. Having participated in the brunt of the AIDS disaster here in Orange County for the past seven years, I’d like to suggest that he give some of that money to AIDS Services Foundation of Orange County. Our financial needs are enormous. Perhaps he will see fit to visit the foundation to see how he, as our congressman, could help us.

Thanks for excellent coverage of a difficult subject.


Laguna Beach
