
Police Shooting of Man in Newport

The recent accidental shooting of Sundaga Bryant has prompted a number of articles and editorials. Within hours of the incident, accusations of wrongdoing were made by Marlena Bryant and the couple’s attorney. Representatives of the Police Department and this office have responded to inquiries from the press and constituents regarding the events that led to the tragic incident and the potential liability of the city of Newport Beach. We have responded honestly to these inquiries and have expressed the compassion and sympathy we all feel for Sundaga Bryant, his wife and their children.

Our expressions of sympathy and concern have not always appeared in print. My comments regarding the absence of legal liability have been wrongly interpreted, by some, as indicative of a lack of personal concern for Sundaga Bryant and his family.

The city of Newport Beach, the City Council, staff and residents are all saddened by the events of Sept. 5, and we pray for the speedy recovery of Sundaga Bryant, with as little hardship on his family as possible. However, the personal concerns of individual council members and staff cannot change the way we administer taxpayer dollars.


Public entities are very different from private corporations in terms of their ability to respond financially in situations such as this. The city can pay only the medical bills of an injured person if it is legally liable for those injuries. A determination of legal liability will likely be made by a judge or jury sometime in the future after all the facts are known.

Again, we extend our sympathy to Sundaga Bryant and his family.


City Attorney,

City of Newport Beach
