
The House : Handgun Control

By a vote of 228 for and 182 against, the House removed a proposed waiting period for handgun purchases from sweeping anti-drug legislation (HR 5210) that was in its second week of floor debate.

The National Rifle Assn. supported removal of the bill’s requirement that seven days lapse before a handgun purchaser could possess the weapon, while police organizations lobbied to retain the so-called “Brady amendment.”

The substitute amendment approved by this vote directed the Justice Department to put on line a data bank of criminal records to help gun stores quickly identify felons seeking firearms.


Members voting yes were opposed to a seven-day waiting period for handgun purchasers.

How They Voted Yea Nay No vote Rep. Anderson (D) X Rep. Dornan (R) X Rep. Dreier (R) X Rep. Dymally (D) X Rep. Hawkins (D) X Rep. Martinez (D) X Rep. Torres (D) X

Drug Users Fine

By a vote of 293 for and 115 against, the House amended the pending drug bill (HR 5210) to allow civil fines of up to $10,000 for individuals possessing even small amounts of marijuana, cocaine and other illegal substances.

Supporters said the Justice Department must take strong action to curb drug demand, while opponents argued that civil fines would have the effect of decriminalizing drug possession.


How They Voted Yea Nay No vote Rep. Anderson (D) X Rep. Dornan (R) X Rep. Dreier (R) X Rep. Dymally (D) X Rep. Hawkins (D) X Rep. Martinez (D) X Rep. Torres (D) X

Pledge of Allegiance

The House voted 226 for and 168 against to sustain a parliamentary ruling on the Pledge of Allegiance. This blocked a surprise Republican proposal to change House rules to require members to recite the pledge each legislative day.

Most Democrats voted to shelve the proposal, while all Republicans who voted supported the change. Although procedure rather than patriotism was at issue, Democrats regretted having to vote in a way that appeared unsupportive of the pledge.


Speaker Jim Wright (D-Tex.) termed it “reprehensible” for Republicans to challenge Democrats’ patriotism.

John G. Rowland (R-Conn.) said the House should “set a good public example of our love and patriotism for our great nation by reciting the (pledge) each morning in this chamber.”

How They Voted Yea Nay No vote Rep. Anderson (D) X Rep. Dornan (R) X Rep. Dreier (R) X Rep. Dymally (D) X Rep. Hawkins (D) X Rep. Martinez (D) X Rep. Torres (D) X
