

Sonny Crockett . . . drug lord?!

That’s the way it’ll play, pal, when “Miami Vice” bows in for the new season Nov. 4, according to our sources at NBC and casting sources.

“Hostile Takeover” begins filming this week in Miami (of course) with Don Johnson (a.k.a. Sonny Crockett) directing the first of a two-part saga.

It picks up where last season’s finale left off: In case you didn’t catch it--and judging from the series’ descending ratings last season, a lot of folks didn’t--Crockett was working undercover as drug dealer Sonny Burnett. Then Sonny caught a bullet in a shootout. When he came to, he thought he really was drug-dealing Burnett. He went on to cold-bloodedly plug a couple of (bad) guys, plus his partner, Tubbs--who luckily happened to be wearing his official “Miami Vice” bulletproof vest.


Opening this season, Crockett still thinks he’s Burnett. What’s more, he’s out to do in drug lord Oscar Carrera (yet to be cast), so that he can rule the empire.

Helping out: A backwoods racist who wants drug money to build a white supremicist army. And sadistic El Gato, who wants to do in Carrera because he had El Gato’s gay lover murdered.
