
Christic Institute Suit

Thank you very much for the article on the Christic Institute’s struggle to bring the “secret team” to justice.

That Judge King threw that suit out of court was obviously another cover-up action by the Reagan/Meese Justice Department. They certainly wouldn’t want the general public to become aware of Vice President Bush’s activities over the past seven-plus years.

To take one example, Bush was given responsibility for drug interdiction. Yet there is ample evidence that Bush, his advisers and indeed his son Jebb were deeply involved in soliciting money and other aid for the Nicaraguan Contras from the cocaine cartel. One need only read the transcripts of Sen. John Kerry’s Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee’s hearing last year. Or read the excellent coverage on the subject by Alfonso Chandy of the Miami Herald or Leslie Cockburn of CBS News.


A wise American author wrote that “the price of liberty and common humanity is constant vigilance.”


Marina del Rey
