
Local News in Brief : San Pedro Parade to Mark Centennial

With astronaut Anna Fisher as the grand marshal, San Pedro will celebrate its centennial with a parade Sunday featuring 140 entries.

Fisher, a San Pedro High School graduate, flew on a space shuttle.

The parade will include equestrian units, classic cars, antique bicycles, floats and marching bands. In all, 2,500 marchers are expected. The lineup will begin at 1 p.m. at Pacific Avenue and 6th Street and proceed east on 6th to Harbor Boulevard, then south on Harbor to its conclusion at 22nd Street.

The parade is part of a yearlong celebration of the 100th anniversary of San Pedro’s incorporation as an independent city. The community became a part of Los Angeles in 1909 but maintains a strong local identity.


There will be no bleachers along the parade route. Parking will be available in residential areas north of 5th Street and between 9th and 22nd streets, officials said. Some parking will be available at Ports O’Call Village, as well as on Los Angeles Harbor Department land near 22nd Street.
